AUSTIN, Texas — Guns aren't the only thing Texas Parks and Wildlife Department game wardens have to use for protection. They use something else that could be seen as just as vital — sunscreen.
The amount of time wardens spend outside combined with the fact that the sun's rays are potentially dangerous makes sunscreen a must-use.
And now, a Dallas company is donating a bottle of its' product, 'SmartShield,' to each of TPWD's approximately 500 wardens.
"We want to make sure they're going to have a longer career than they'd have if they didn't protect themselves," said Jim Asaff, president of SmartShield. "It's a way for us to say 'thank you for being there'."
The product is eco-friendly and doesn't kill fish or dissolve fishing lines.
"We realize now we need to be protecting ourselves so we don't develop skin cancers," Asaff said. When he was younger, people were encouraged to get suntans, he said. "Times have changed. We're picking up UV rays and either we protect ourselves or we have a shorter life in the sun."
Col. James Stinebaugh, director of law enforcement at TPWD, said he is grateful for the donation.
"It's the nature of a Texas game warden's job to be in the sun almost year-round. This generous donation will help protect them from the elements and we are very appreciative of it," he said.
Asaff got the idea to provide the wardens with sunscreen after doing it for people at Texas Wildlife Expo, (a free, outdoor educational bonanza in Austin that draws tens of thousands of people every year).
Ernie Gammage at TPWD puts that event together.
"SmartShield has been a long-time and innovative sponsor, providing products for use at Expo. They are noted for being an on-going supporter of Parks and Wildlife's mission," Gammage said.
Game wardens should be receiving their sunscreen soon. Asaff said each bottle will come in a Ziploc bag with a note thanking wardens for all the work they do.