February 11, 2008
New Surfboards Dominate Expo
Daytona Beach News Journal
Florida, January 19, 2008 – Another Orlando Surf Expo has come and gone, and in its wake come a host of interesting and new products.
First, there was an explosion of surfboards of various compositions - both handmade and factory produced - from China, Vietnam and the Americas. The number of big name American companies present has dwindled, but most are still alive and well.
One of the first products to catch my eye was Smartshield. The company offers an eco-friendly variety of sun protection products that are waterproof, oil free, contain vitamins A, C and E, and most importantly, are marine safe. That means anyone who fishes can apply the product, then immediately put his or her hands in the livewell and the fish will not die. Check them out at
Another fascinating product is indirectly related to the beach life, but one both genders can use. Fit Flops are billed as a fitness workout in a shoe. They have a line of sandals that make use of today's technology to make a shoe base that varies in density, with the heel being almost hard, to a squishy middle, and the toe area is somewhere in between. The shoe mimics walking barefoot on the sand and is supposed to firm your legs and buttocks while you do your daily walking. I put on a pair and walked for eight hours with them on. I can tell you they are very comfortable, especially when standing for long periods of time in one place. I wasn't so sure of the workout part until 48 hours later, when I was hurting in places that haven't hurt in years. You can check them out at
A group of Florida women is breaking into the fashion world with a line of bathing suits that are all reversible. Bikini Flavors has a cute line, designed mostly for those young enough not to need the Fit Flops, but they are coming out with a boy cut bottom for those of us who want more coverage. In addition, they all have a variety of side ties that you can change out to turn one suit into many. Check them out at
One of the most energetic newcomers to the Surf Expo had to be Dunkelvolk, from Peru. The company uses the fine Pima cotton grown locally and their T-shirts are as soft as silk. They have so much pride in their company and they are anxious to break into the U.S. market. They have a really cool jean line, but are currently retailoring the cut to the American body. Check out their lines at
The Surf Expo was a blast! Look for new products at your local shop, or go online. Look for some more surf after all this wind calms down. Happy wave riding!
Copyright, 2008, The News-Journal Corporation